Our solution automates conversation analysis
streamlining QA/QC processes

Manual review of conversations for quality assurance could be time-consuming and laborious.
Our AI automates this process, freeing up your valuable time and resources to focus on other critical tasks.

Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

Ensure customer happiness with ABSA

Understanding customer sentiment is crucial for businesses to thrive. But simply knowing if a customer is happy or unhappy isn't enough.ABSA takes customer feedback to the next level, helping you identify exactly what aspects of your product, service, or interaction are driving customer satisfaction or dis satisfaction.

Customer Service Analysis

Analyzes support conversations to identify resolution Rate

It can automatically identify how many queries were resolved successfully and which ones were not. Additionally, Hsieh can analyze the reasons behind unresolved queries, such as whether they were open ended, lacked specific information, or were beyond the agents capabilities. This information can be incredibly helpful in improving the effectiveness of support teams and ensuring they are meeting user needs.

Conversion Analytics and Reasoning

Lead generation analysis

Our system can analyze your conversations to provide valuable insights into your lead generation efforts. It will automatically identify and count generated leads, while also pinpointing conversations where leads weren't captured. This breakdown will include reasons for missed opportunities, such as the customer expressing disinterest or agent was unable to convert customer to a proper lead.

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